Ecodolie Orenburg Project is situated at the picturesque area only 5 kilometers from the city of Orenburg, not far from the Ural river. Unfortunately this beautiful area for the long years had been used as an unsanctioned emergent solid domestic waste. Prior to selecting the construction site, they made an assessment of construction impact to the environment. A special attention was directed to rehabilitation of anthropogenic influence that affected the land plot over the years.
Ecodolie company had to invest significant funds and to contract several companies to clear the site of waste. At the moment, Ecodolie completed serious work to decontaminate the site in order to maximally preserve local fauna habitats and avoid polluting water bodies. During the development the project itself was transformed into a park area with artificial streams and ponds.
The works with the project involved the best Russian and foreign experts in urban development, architecture, engineering and construction design, known worldwide and possessing an ample experience in development of complex low-rise residences: Perkins Eastman (USA), Korda (USA), Archstroydesign, and Orenburggrazhdanproect.
Their creative thinking brought its fruit in the form of a new generation residential complex – Ecodolie, which embodied the most progressive architectural and technical solutions. It is a habitat of harmony for people seeking a new kind of life. Ecodolie is distinguished by a unique urban planning, full engineering and social infrastructure, innovative solutions providing for comfortable living and accessibility of the housing to general public, increased efficiency of house power consumption; reduce water consumption and waste volume. Best ecology, uniform social ambient and safety are essential part of life in Ecodolie. Realization of Ecodolie project is a contribution to national project “accessible and comfortable housing to the citizens of Russia”.